Nice to meet you
My name is Stoyan.
Nice to meet you!
My journey to “Bodywork” began after I was dealing with a sciatic nerve problem that conventional medicine was unable to resolve. This experience pushed me towards traveling and training in various healing modalities.
I specialise in Lomi-Lomi-Nui by Nisarga Dobosz. A Hawaiian healing massage that was brought by an authentic teacher and that has preserved all the traditions that the locals enjoy.
The other modality I use is Myofascial Energetic Release – MER by Satyarthi Peloquin. Here, many of the elements are related to psychosomatics and regulation of the nervous system.
In my free time, I like a wide variety of things. I like all kinds of sports and I get my passion for life back through music, dance and art in general.
I believe that massages / bodywork are means for us to return back to our souls.