Myofascial Energetic Release

Myofascial Energetic Release is a form of “bodywork” that works with the myofascia (muscles and connective tissue).

According to MER, chronic pain in the body results from overcontraction of five types of soft tissues: muscles, fascia, skin, ligaments and nerves. This chronic tension blocks blood circulation, oxygen and life energy as a whole.

On a physical level, it would help relieve most chronic pains in the body.

One of the most important focuses of the system is the operation and regulation of the autonomic nervous system.

As you already know, energy is never lost and any emotion that could not be expressed, for one reason or another,  remains in our body. MER would help it to be defrosted and integrated in a calm manner, which would consequently reduce anxiety levels dramatically.

It works with the lymphatic system and could also be energizing, i.e. charge the body with “ki”, “prana”, “life energy”.